IE 8 has some known performance problems.  We did a lot to optimize
for it.

Large flextables have the biggest impact.  try to switch to a grid

If you search this site you will find post with several other tips.
Like don't attached the flextable to the root object until its done
loading.  So, remove it before reloading and then add it back at the

At the end of the day all this was not enough for us.
We implemented the Crome Frame plug-in for IE users.  There is a
simple change to the application to run the plug-in.
There is a google site just for the crome frame:

On Apr 27, 8:55 am, Kishan <> wrote:
> Frequently we are getting script is unresponsive in IE8, is any known
> fixes that can be easily applied. That will be helpful.
> Thanks,
> Balakishan

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