I have a separate project that contains all the business domain object 
classes and their respective JUnit test cases.  There is no GWT in this 
project and a desire to keep this as purely a business object class.  How 
can the GWT complier be told generate the needed client side code so the 
same domain objects can be used in GWT based client code called by the GUI 
and RPC's?  I should mention that the BO project JAR built by Maven and 
stored in a corporate repository and the GWT project is built with the 
CodeHaus.org maven plugin (http://mojo.codehaus.org/gwt-maven-plugin/)  I 
suppose there could be two answers to this: 1. Standard GWT using ANT and 
2. a Maven plugin specific way (including the BO classes in the ...client 
package is not an option since the resulting .class files are used in other 
projects).   Thus, this may end up cross posted in the Maven plugin list 
and GWT list.  Please pardon the cross posting should it be necessary.

Thank you.

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