
I've written an application using GWT 2.4.0 (and GXT 2.2.5) that compiles 
to a WAR file, runs successfully in JBoss 6.0.0-Final, and also has its own 
favicon.ico. However, now that I am starting to add History support I am 
noticing that my browser is sometimes displaying JBoss's default favicon 
instead of my application's. Specifically, I have (only) added a "select" 
listener to a TabPanel widget, and all this listener does is call 
History.newItem("value"). This listener is correctly adding the # fragment 
to the URL in the browser, but is also sometimes changing the favicon to 
the wrong one. The most reliable way to trigger this bug is to switch tabs 
and then press the browser's refresh button.

Can anyone think what might be causing this, please? I'm still thinking 
that this more likely to be a problem in my own code, but I've run out of 
ideas as to where.

The incorrect favicon has URL http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico, whereas my 
application's favicon is at http://localhost:8080/myapp/favicon.ico.

Thanks for any assistance,

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