With soft-permutations though, this could cut back on the explosion, though 
you are right that the app would be unable to switch at runtime between 
which version it is running. That said, once a user has been set to a 
particular set of features, you probably want to keep them there. And a 
runAsync split point for each possible feature will have its own kind of 
explosion issues, affecting the user more than the compiler though.

Deferred binding lets you replace whole classes, which is probably why you 
started down this road in the first place. The lib you linked to appears to 
hook into Google Analytics for collecting data, and leaves the cohort 
selection to the browser's own random pick. Building this in GWT, I'd 
probably want to take the approach of making some of these decisions the 
server's problem - writing out one or more meta tags to help guide 
permutation (soft or hard) selection lets you tie it to session or user 
(consistent across page load, across browsers/devices). Additionally, when 
you make a decision on which implementation to use, simply remove whatever 
is auto-selecting an implementation in your module file.

Interfaces or base classes would be defined in your code, along with 1 or 
more implementations. A implementation would be requested in code via 
GWT.create(MyBaseClass.class), and rules established to decide which to 
pick. The basic idea behind those rules would be to define the property and 
its values, and what each value would cause to have happen. 

<!-- declare the name of the feature, possibly how it is selected -->
<define-property name="ab.featureOne" values="a,b,c" />

<!-- defaults to selecting via meta tag with name="gwt:property" 
     and content="ab.featureOne=X" where X is a, b, or c. This can
     be modified via a property-provider tag to either describe the js
     used to select a property, or to point at a java file that will build
     that js. -->

<!-- Suppress additional permutations - this is optional, and results
     in the final js build being larger than it might otherwise be, but 
     with fewer permutations. runAsync can still be used to push all
     of these into another file - but use runAsync normally, don't
     deliberatly push these out unless needed (very large or rarely
     used). -->
<collapse-property name="ab.featureOne" values="*" />

<!-- next, declare rebind instructions -->
<replace-with class="my.package.client.WidgetA">
  <when-type-is class="my.package.client.FeatureOne" />
  <when-property-is name="ab.featureOne" value="a" />
<replace-with class="my.package.client.WidgetB">
  <when-type-is class="my.package.client.FeatureOne" />
  <when-property-is name="ab.featureOne" value="b" />
<replace-with class="my.package.client.WidgetA">
  <when-type-is class="my.package.client.FeatureOne" />
  <when-property-is name="ab.featureOne" value="a" />

There are lots of options to further customize this, as that is a lot of 
XML just to specify three classes to try out (and we still have to set the 
page up to write out that meta tag). That being said, there are several 
ways we can make this simpler if you plan to use it a lot:
Get rid of the replace-with rules:
Define the test to run (ab.featureOne) and the possible options (a,b,c), 
but build a generator to deal with doing the rebind replacements. Easiest 
way for this would probably be to add a few annotations and a marker 
public interface ABTestable { }
public @interface ABTestName { String value(); }
public @interface ABTestOption { String value(); }

The generator would be defined to build any class that implements 
ABTestable, and would look around for any possible impls, and pick one 
based on the option annotation it is decorated with. This xml would then 
replace the <replace-with> tags for all tests and all options - only needs 
to be declared once:
<generate-with class="my.package.rebind.ABOptionGenerator">
  <when-type-is class="my.package.client.ABTestable" />

And your code would look something like this:
public interface FeatureOne extends ABTestable { ... }

public class WidgetA implements FeatureOne { ... }

And once testing is complete, a single replace-with (or gin bind().to()) 
can be used, and the AB* annotations and marker interfaces removed.

Better selection:
Instead of always writing out meta tags with the name gwt:property, the 
bootstrap js file can read from any data available on page load - your own 
meta tags, the url string itself, cookies, whatever makes sense for your 
data collection and testing system - even just falling back on random 
number generation, and writing that value out somewhere. The GWT I18n 
framework has several options built into it in its 
PropertyProviderGenerator implementation. You could even use this to read 
from a single meta tag, query param for all possible values, picking the 
char to read based on the order of all of the features that are being 
compiled in:
<meta name="ab-selection" content="acaababca">
would indicate 'a' for the first feature, 'c' for the second, etc.

Server participation:
Any server spitting out these meta tags will probably need to know what the 
possible options are - a generator (possibly in conjunction with a linker) 
can be set to spit out a file (a.k.a. artifact) with information collected 
during the compile. This could look something like a properties file, full 
of name=values pairs to define what the possible options are that need to 
be given to the running page. Presumably the client/server already have 
some way to discuss what is considered a 'successful' test, and to decide 
how to continue with future tests, but more metadata about those tests and 
how to run them could be added with additional annotations.

Useful examples, references:
http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/wiki/SoftPermutations - 
description of what soft perms are, how to use them
com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator - base class for defining rebind rules in 
Java - can create new classes, or select from existing ones
com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.PropertyProviderGenerator - interface that 
describes how to programmatically make permutation selection in the 
/com/google/gwt/user/UserAgent.gwt.xml - example of existing permutation 
selection wiring, and how to pass that off to a generator
/com/google/gwt/i18n/I18N.gwt.xml - more permutation selection, this time 
talking about reading from url, cookies, etc

On Sunday, June 24, 2012 9:30:49 PM UTC-5, Nick Siderakis wrote:
> Some reasons why this is a bad idea
>    - Does not scale well for many tests (permutation explosion)
>    - Would not support dynamic (in app) cohort assignment
> runAsync seems like a better choice.
> On Sunday, June 24, 2012 1:43:01 PM UTC-4, Nick Siderakis wrote:
>> I'm thinking about building a small framework similar to cohorts.js for 
>> GWT that takes advantage of deferred binding.
>> Does this seem like a good idea?
>> ( cohorts.js https://github.com/jamesyu/cohorts )

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