Hi everybody,

I'am actually working in an GWT 2.3 application with GWT-Ext 2.2.5. The 
application works fine in hosted mode, the compilation is okay
but when I deploy it on a Tomcat server, there ares loads of problems :

   - An error message appears : ""Should only call onDetach when the widget 
   is attached to the browser's document"
   - Onclic events on Images throws "(TypeError): b is null
    stack: GT(null,true)@
   - Combobox clic throws : "b is null function 
   ZT(b,c){b.$e((yW(),yW(),++xW)+c);return b}"

The configuration is exactly the same as other projects that work perfectly 
... As I said before, the application works fine in Hosted Mode.

Any ideas ?


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