Has been a while since I used the framework, but I suspect you do not 
'unlisten' events when you leave your application (see 
http://code.google.com/p/gwteventservice/wiki/ConnectionHandling), your 
session stays open and every time you reload the app a new listener is 
Anyway I'd suggest to update to GWTEventService 1.2 (much more recent) and 
ask directly in the project's group 

On Tuesday, July 24, 2012 10:58:13 PM UTC+2, gshepherd wrote:
> I have a web service bundled with my GWT app and I'm using GWTEventService 
> 1.1.1.  I need for the client to be notified when a record is added to the 
> database via a web service call.  In the OnMonduleLoad I've added the event 
> listener and everything works as expected.  For example, an external call 
> comes into my web service to add a new user.  My listener gets triggered on 
> this event and updates the GUI accordingly.
> The problem occurs when I leave the URL of my application and then return 
> sometime later, every time I get a new web service request to add a user my 
> listener fires twice.  If I leave the URL again and return now it fires 
> three times and so on.  I've verified that I'm only adding the one listener 
> on startup, but I don't understand why my listener keeps triggering 
> additional times each time I leave my URL and return later.
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

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