The problem is that websocket (as any other HTML5 spec) has chages a bit in 
the last two years making some useful libraries outdated and not definitely 

On Thursday, October 18, 2012 6:56:19 PM UTC+2, Magnus wrote:
> Hi,
> I took a look at most of the libraries, but there is no one that can make 
> my happy, because none of them seems to be "lightweight".
> Atmosphere requires Maven. If I go to Maven someday, I would like to do 
> this on the basis of a free decision, but not as a dependency for the 
> library I am looking for.
You can always download the jars somewhere and/or use a dependency manager 
like Apache Ivy (that can be easily integrated with ant) that fetches Maven 
dependencies and/or build the jar from scratch. Maven is not an obstacle.

> All the systems mentioned in the context of Comet (
> seem to be big frameworks, with much 
> more functionality than that I am looking for. This also holds for Errai.
That article is quite outdated (2009), I suspect there *a lot* more 
frameworks out there that can make the difference. But if you want to go 
with websockets as lightweight as possible, both your server and your 
client (browser) need to support it in the most up-to-date way.

> I am always careful with such decisions. If I always add a complete 
> framework whenever I need a little bit of functionality, my project will 
> explode very soon.
> What seems to be nice and small and "light" is the HTML5 support for 
> WebSockets, at least as described here (*):

> One Servlet declaration, one Handler at the server and one handler at the 
> client. This seems very attractive to me!
Last update is  Nov 2010, I guess the websocket specs have changed since 
then, so I don't think this will ever work. But you can try! 

> However, it seems that GWT supports HTML5 but without WebSockets:
> Is this correct? Why does GWT support HTML5 but not for such an important 
> thing like WebSockets?
Not in GWT, but you can try the GWT Elemental library (for the client) that 
support all HTML5 specs, just pay attention to the supported browsers.

> So if I wanted to use the library above (*):
> How are these projects below organized? Is it always a 
> jar file that one has to put into WEB-INF/lib to use the library?
You can clone a repository and build from sources or download the jar and 
place it in the lib folder.

> I really hope that I can use this lightweight library (*) very soon and I 
> appreciate any help that gets me started.
> Magnus
 There is also another library (streaming/long polling tough) I've used 
some time ago . It adheres 
somehow to the server-event specifications (that is another way to say 
server->client communication).

Anyway I'd give atmosphere a try.

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