I've been trying to work on a custom serializer but I've not been able to 
get it to work. So I've been investigating 
com.google.gwt.user.server.rpc.impl.SerializabilityUtil. What I'm seeing is 
a strange recursive loop that looks odd to me. 

I can register a custom field serializer on next to the class or in the rpc 
core class and both produce the same result. But for this example I'll show 
the serializer looks like in the loop in rpc core.

- finds the serializer on this iteration
- but on this one it looks for this and sets the mapping in this var to 
null in this map classServerCustomSerializerCache

During the second time it clears the setting in the cache too, which 
doesn't make sense to me. During the second time it sets the mapped 
serializer in this var to null, classServerCustomSerializerCache. Any idea 
if this is to be expected?

While I see it finds my custom field serializer in the code, I get stumped 
wondering why the code behaves as it does. Well anyway, my goal is to get 
the custom field serializer white listed, but I can't seem to get it 

Brandon Donnelson

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