
Thanks very much for the response.

First, is there any way you can share a POM from one of your projects -- or 
ideally point me at an entire open source project that uses it? Many things 
aren't clear (to me) from the docs. Examples: 

1). You say add a <resource> tag.

The problem is if I add a single <resource> tag then the default 
src/main/resources seems to be overridden, so my guess is you mean 
something like the following added to the <build> tag:


And, in contains

  <super-source path="super"/>

Again, it's a guess since I still don't have hello-supsersource working.

2). The comments regarding goals are conflicting. E.g., for tests to run 
it's suggested to add:


But to get source-jar to run as part of install you need something like:


3). Giving up on source-jar for the moment (i.e., just having the top 
config), when I run tests, they just hang and timeout. In fact, if I just 
create a blank project from the archetype, that's what happens:

[INFO] Running junit.framework.TestSuite@29edc073
Process 1361122241179 is killed.
[WARNING] Forked JVM has been killed on time-out after 60 seconds

4). Frequently, if I don't run clean first, the tests fails with 
exceptions: e.g., 

[INFO] Running
[INFO] [ERROR] Failure in unit cache map load.
[INFO] java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.StackOverflowError

Again, this is with a trivial hello world project -- no real code, just 
bootstrap and empty methods.

Really appreciate any pointers you can give me. I've been working with GWT 
since it's inception (actually internally as a Google employee on a 
different project) and very much appreciate your efforts to bring this to 

Thanks again,


On Sunday, February 17, 2013 4:36:44 AM UTC-5, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Rich < <javascript:>>wrote:
>> Thomas,
>> How does the plugin support supersource today. I've tried to piece this 
>> together from multiple searches and have something close to your option 3, 
>> but it's not clear.
>> 1). How is the plugin configured to use main/src/super?
> It's not. If you want to use src/main/super, you have to declare it as a 
> <resource> in your POM.
>> 2). If src/main/super is an overlay onto src/main/java then how does the 
>> super-souce path (which must be relative) work within the module XML? Or is 
>> it intended that you'll still do "path doubling" under super? (e.g., 
>> src/main/super/com/foo/super/com/foo/ for a module def in 
>> src/main/resources/com/foo/Foo.gwt.xml)
> The latter. The way I do it is that I don't do "path doubling" but use 
> <targetPath> in the <resource> declaration in the POM.
> I.e. I have src/main/super/com/foo/ and
> <resource>
>    <directory>src/main/super</directory>
>    <targetPath>com/foo/super</targetPath>
> </resource>
> It limits the super-sources to a single module though (it won't do 
> com/foo/super and com/bar/super)
>> Also, I'll throw-in an alternative:
>> src/
>>   main/
>>     java/
>>     resources/ (Would we ever put Android "res" here? Why is GWT any 
>> different?)
>>     gwt/
>>       super/
>>       resources/
> I must say I don't understand. How are src/main/gwt/resources different 
> from src/main/resources? Remember that the poll was about "GWT-only 
> libraries", not "shared libraries" (used in GWT client and server, or in 
> GWT and pure-Java clients) or GWT applications.
>> Thanks,
>> RB
>> On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 7:51:37 AM UTC-5, Thomas Broyer wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As some of view may already know, I'm porting GWT to use Maven as the 
>>> build system (instead of Ant). I'm also about to "reboot" GWT+Maven 
>>> integration (more to come by the end of the week, stay tuned).
>>> As part of this effort, I'm wondering which project structure to use as 
>>> the default, "standard" layout for GWT projects using Maven? I'm 
>>> particularly looking for advice/preferences for GWT library projects (such 
>>> as GWT itself, mgwt, Errai, GXT, etc.), not much for GWT applications (the 
>>> one you run the GWT Compiler on).
>>> NOTE: this poll is cross-posted to the GWT and gwt-maven-plugin groups, 
>>> please answer only once! (wherever you want)
>>> The question is about where to put files such as: GWT module descriptors 
>>> (*.gwt.xml), GWT "processed resources" (*.ui.xml, etc.), and super-sources.
>>> It comes without saying (for me at least) that Java sources would go 
>>> into src/main/java and "public resources" (i.e. the things within 
>>> **/public/**, e.g. the CSS and image files from the themes) into 
>>> src/main/resources, so the "everything" below only refers to those other 
>>> files listed above.
>>> Remember I'm only interested in defining the "standard layout" for GWT *
>>> libraries*, and please think about them as *GWT-only* libraries, not 
>>> the kind with server-side and client/server-shared code!
>>> Note that in any case, src/main/java is also added as a resource folder 
>>> (packaged within the JAR)
>>> Here are the alternatives I thought about:
>>>    1. everything in src/main/java
>>>    super-sources in src/main/resources 
>>>    2. everything in src/main/resources
>>>    3. everything in src/main/resources
>>>    super-sources in src/main/super (or gwt-super, or some other name, 
>>>    let's discuss that later as I suspect it's a bikeshed)
>>> When casting your vote, do not hesitate to explain *why* you prefer 
>>> that particular layout over the others, or why you don't like one of the 
>>> proposed layouts. Also feel free to propose a fourth alternative.
>>  -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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> -- 
> Thomas Broyer
> /tɔ.ma.bʁ <> 

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