I also recently received a notification about an issue I was following, 
because it has been set as "AssumedStale", an issue that must be still 
present, since I have no evidence that any fix for it has ever been done.

Really, I can't understand what are the plans for GWT by Google. Will it be 
supported? Is it going to dead?
I am following a lot of open source projects but I never saw a situation 
like the one of GWT, except for projects that are being shutting down and 
hence are in "maintenance-mode" only..

GWT is a relatively recent project, but after some years of active 
development it seems to be already on its way out. It may have lost 
attraction by Google... but in this case a clear statement would be 

I mean, I can't understand why/how:
- a bug report that does not receives updates for a while is marked as 
"AssumedStale": a bug should either be accepted (waiting for a 
prioritization and fix) or rejected as "won't fix"; interested people are 
not supposed to keep on writing "up!" or "any news?" messages just to keep 
a bug report "fresh", especially if this has been proven to be useless for 
the GWT/GPE issues (an great example: 
http://code.google.com/p/google-plugin-for-eclipse/issues/detail?id=48 and 
its original report at 
http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=6660: it's a 
bug that  severely affects the usability of the Eclipse IDE and it also has 
there's also an attached patch!!!! ... nevertheless it is being ignored for 

- bug reports that are quite important and relatively circumscribed are 
ignored for years: I understand that there can be lack of resources on the 
core GWT team, but apart from the fact that this extremely shortage of 
resources is itself a proof that GWT is a project Google does not support 
any more in a reliable way, I could understand such delays for issue 
reports that involve very large portions of critical aspects of GWT, not 
for small and clearly-defined parts

- bug reports that have few stars are "AssumedStale": once again, I can't 
understand the rationale behind the use of "AssumedStale"... Many people 
don't bother to report bugs, while some improvements may be foreseen by few 
people, but this does not mean that they might not be of interest for a lot 
of other people if they ever get implemented; once again I think that a bug 
should be either accepted and then fixed or just rejected as "won't fix"

- discussions and detailed arguments as the those written by Thomas Broyer 
here are not posted on the bug reports themselves: this would give the idea 
that someone at the GWT core team actually cares about and reads bug 

I understand the will to make GWT modularized and I appreciate the 
advantages that this could bring, but I do not agree with the philosophy 
"then, let's keep the main GWT project almost featureless, so that features 
are added by external third-party projects", especially because:
- I see no support by the main GWT core team to external projects (I mean, 
a "market-place", or just a community portal that lets you find related 
projects or something like that)
- as other people have already said, many parts of GWT are not designed to 
be extended (I also personally encountered many difficulties in extending 
base GWT components)
- I still think some improvements should be made in the core GWT project, 
or at least adopted from external projects: extreme fragmentation is not a 
good thing and the risk to have parts of the "platform" die prematurely is 
too high

Once again, IMHO these are reasonable points if there's some serious 
intention to support GWT as a solid project/platform for the upcoming 
years, but if there's not such a will, well... that's another story.

Last but not least: no offence, but using the AssumedStale keyword in this 
way because you need to "clean up" the issue tracker sounds as nonsense to 
me... Otherwise, you could just close the issue tracker to get a better 
result ;-)

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