
Nice solution. My old solution using shell scripts and ant was a lot simpler. 
-- A java class object with just static variables, BUILD_DATE, BUILD_NUMBER….
-- In shell scrips I would pull the date and last revision number from 
subversion. Then using a simple echo command I would build a new java class 
-- I have yet to take the time and see how I can integrate the ability to pull 
the information from subversion  into Maven. I even had shell scripts to 
generate release changes, store the RPM in a repository…. At some point I think 
I will have to spend a few weeks converting all my shell scripts, ant build 
scripts to Maven.


On Jun 13, 2013, at 10:21 AM, Honza Rames <rame...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Frank,
> I have a XML (version.xml) document in my war directory:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE version [<!ATTLIST build id ID #IMPLIED>]>
> <version>
>   <build id="build">76</build>
>   <!-- Another data if you need it -->
> </version>
> A linker that increments the build number after the link process has been 
> completed:
> package my.pkg;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.LinkerContext;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.TreeLogger;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.AbstractLinker;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.ArtifactSet;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.LinkerOrder;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.LinkerOrder.Order;
> import com.google.gwt.core.ext.linker.Shardable;
> /**
>  * Just a linker that will increment build after compilation is done
>  * @author SHadoW
>  *
>  */
> @LinkerOrder(Order.POST)
> @Shardable
> public class IncBuildLinker extends AbstractLinker
> {
>   private static boolean incremented = false;
>   @Override
>   public String getDescription()
>   {
>     return "IncBuildLinker";
>   }
>   @Override
>   public ArtifactSet link(TreeLogger logger, LinkerContext context,
>       ArtifactSet artifacts, boolean onePermutation) throws 
> UnableToCompleteException
>   {
>     //Do this only once after the entire link process has completed
>     if (onePermutation && (! incremented)) 
>     {
>       BuildHelper.incBuildAndSave(logger); //Do this only after all 
> permutations has been compiled
>       incremented = true;
>     }
>     return super.link(logger, context, artifacts);
>   }
> }
> the BuildHelper class accesses the version.xml and I don't want to post it 
> here because it is pretty straight forward but still a lot of code ;-). And 
> the generator (it uses some of my classes that ease the code generation) 
> which creates an implementation for BuildInfo interface that you instantiate 
> with GWT.create(BuildInfo.class) which looks as follows:
> package my.pkg;
> import java.util.Date;
> import com.google.gwt.dev.About;
> import my.pkg.generators.BaseGenerator;
> import my.pkg.generators.BaseGeneratorClient;
> public class BuildGenerator extends BaseGenerator
> {
>   /* I'm using some helpers in generation process that's why I have the 
> Client class here, it defines some functions that make it easier to generate 
> java code in hand*/
>   @Override
>   protected BaseGeneratorClient getClient()
>   {
>     return new Client();
>   }
>   class Client extends BaseGeneratorClient
>   {
>     /* This gets called by the generator once the class imports and 
> declaration is written by the generator */
>     @Override
>     protected void doGenerate()
>     {
>       writeBlockIntro("public String getBuildDate()");
>       writeReturn(STR, (new Date()).toString());
>       writeBlockOutro();
>       writeBlockIntro("public int getBuildNumber()");
>       writeReturn(BuildHelper.getBuildNumber());
>       writeBlockOutro();
>       writeBlockIntro("public String getGwtSvnRev()");
>       writeReturn(STR, About.getGwtSvnRev());  //This is saved during GWT 
> build process and can only be accessed in plain java
>       writeBlockOutro();
>     }
>   }
> }
> and of course appropriately set module.gwt.xml that includes:
> <define-linker name="incbuild" class="my.pkg.IncBuildLinker" />
> <add-linker name="incbuild" />
> <generate-with class="my.pkg.BuildGenerator">
>   <when-type-is class="my.pkg.client.BuildInfo"/>
> </generate-with>
> it is useful to have multiple modules that only one of them includes the 
> linker so you only increment the build number after you compile for 
> production so that development builds don't increment the build number.
> Everybody else not interested in my solution sorry for the longish post, I 
> din't see any other way how to do this. 
> If anybody else need more explanation I could provide full source codes 
> directly if needed, feel free to ask any questions ;-)
> Honza
> On Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:46:22 AM UTC+2, Frank Hossfeld wrote:
> Hi Honza,
> your implementation sounds intresting.
> Can you provide more informations about your solution?
> Thanks Frank
> Am Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2013 09:50:41 UTC+2 schrieb Honza Rames:
> I have a XML file that stores various information about my build and is 
> updated by a Linker which increments build number each build I make. And I 
> have a generator that returns an interface that I can use in GWT app which 
> includes the build number, revision, build date etc.
> Regards
> Honza
> On Tuesday, June 11, 2013 7:17:42 PM UTC+2, Joseph Lust wrote:
> For various reasons you need to know the revision of the GWT app code. For 
> example to verify that the server API is not newer than the JS code (i.e. if 
> you deploy GWT JS to a CDN).
> Some common approaches which I find to be rather hackish:
> Use Maven replacer to replace a sequence in a source file at the validation 
> stage and have that inlined into your GWT file at compile (hackish)
> Use Maven replacer or Maven war plugin filters to add the build number to the 
> index.html page, or a backend service (JS code still not independently 
> versioned, more API calls)
> Hardcode it (don't hardcode things)
> After two years, the best method I've see is to create a code generator to 
> allow deferred binding of the build number. This however has always stuck me 
> as massively overkill to add a number to a build artifact.
> So, I was curious how others here have dealt with this common issue. 
> Hopefully there is a simpler way.
> Sincerely,
> Joseph
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