Hello Thomas,

Open Session In View is the right approach to go for. Thank you for this 
I have implemented it and it works fine now.

However, I have one question regarding OSIV-Pattern: 
In the Hybernate example (see link below) they *begin transaction* before 
doFilter() and *commit on transaction* after it.

I am using standard GWT setting with DataNucleus. For some reason it does 
not let me call em.getTransaction().begin(); and 
em.getTransaction().commit(); within the filter.
In my current implementation I can *create EntityManager* before 
doFilter()  and *close it* afterwards (this works), but cannot commit nor 
rollback transaction

Here is the error which I get when trying to open and commit the 
org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusFatalUserException: Illegal argument
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cross-group transaction need 
to be explicitly specified, see TransactionOptions.Builder.withXGfound both 
Element {
  type: "JobCategory"
  id: 1
 and Element {
  type: "JobCategory"
  id: 13

Do you have any Idea what might be the reason?
It must probably have something to do with my persistence.xml settings:

    <persistence-unit name="emajstor_persistence">
... some Entities
            <property name="datanucleus.NontransactionalRead" value="true"/>
            <property name="datanucleus.NontransactionalWrite" 
            <property name="datanucleus.ConnectionURL" value="appengine"/>

Thank you in advance:


Am Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2013 15:05:56 UTC+2 schrieb Thomas Broyer:
> On Thursday, June 13, 2013 2:57:02 PM UTC+2, Nermin wrote:
>> Hello group,
>> Is the issue 6115 Fixed in GWT 2.5 or not??
>> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=6115
>> My problem is that on a entity with recursive relation the ancestors are 
>> not loaded when calling with(ancestors).
>> Here is my code:
>> @Entity
>> public class *JobCategory *{
>>     // -- Recursive Relation mainCategory - SubCategories
>>     @*OneToMany*(mappedBy = "mainCategory", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
>>     private Set<*JobCategory*> *subCategories *= new 
>> HashSet<JobCategory>();
>>     @ManyToOne
>>     private *JobCategory *mainCategory;
>> ... Getters / Setters 
>>     public static List<JobCategory> findAllJobCategories() {
>>         EntityManager em = EMFService.get().createEntityManager();
>>         try {
>>             Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT e FROM "+ 
>> JobCategory.class.getSimpleName() + " e ORDER BY i18nKey");
>>             return (List<JobCategory>) query.getResultList();
>>         } catch (Exception e) {
>>             e.printStackTrace();
>>         } finally {
>>             em.close();
>>         }
>>         return new ArrayList<JobCategory>(); // Return empty list.
>>     }
>> }
>> When I call: 
>> JobCategoryRequest jobCategoryReq = 
>> this.requestFactory.jobCategoryRequest();
>> Request<List<JobCategoryProxy>> req = 
>> jobCategoryReq.findAllJobCategories().with("*subCategories*");
>> req.fire(receiver);
>> ... The call will return categories but without subcatgeories. (The list 
>> is always empty).
>> I checked the DB, it is all fine there.
>> Can it be that the Bug 6115 has not been fixed, even though its status 
>> says so, or am I doing something wrong here?
> Have you checked whether the caller is called? if it is, does it return a 
> populated set?
> You're supposed to use an open-session-in-view (aka session-per-request) 
> pattern with RequestFactory, rather than creating/closing an EntityManager 
> in each service method. In this simple example (a single service method 
> call in the RequestContext, with no shared object between the request 
> –arguments– and the response), it shouldn't cause any harm *except* if 
> you lazy-load your linked entities.

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