
There is a method NumberFormat.setForcedLatinDigits, according to javadoc 
it should

>    * Specify whether all new NumberFormat instances will use *latin 
> digits*
>    * *and related characters *rather than the localized ones.

I faced with an issue that under Russian locale, it doesn't replace decimal 
separator: NumberFormats created afterwards, continue to use 
locale-specific comma instead of latin dot.

In code, it tries to replace it:
  protected static NumberConstants createLatinNumberConstants(
      final NumberConstants orig) {
    final String groupingSeparator = remapSeparator(
    final String decimalSeparator = remapSeparator(
    final String monetaryGroupingSeparator = remapSeparator(
    final String monetarySeparator = remapSeparator(

But it uses the same function
  protected static String remapSeparator(String separator) {
    char ch = separator.length() > 0 ? separator.charAt(0) : 0xFFFF;
    if (LOCALIZED_DOT_EQUIVALENTS.indexOf(ch) >= 0) {
      return ".";
    if (LOCALIZED_COMMA_EQUIVALENTS.indexOf(ch) >= 0) {
      return ",";
    return "\u00A0";

to replace both grouping and decimal separator (and also monetary grouping 
and monetary decimal).
This approach doesn't work well if e. g. one locale has comma as decimal 
separator and another one has comma as grouping separator.

Also, there are test cases in GWT that asserts (probably mistakenly) that 
comma should be preserved (com.google.gwt.i18n.client.NumberFormat_fr_Test 
and NumberFormat_ar_Test).
  public void testForceLatin() {
    NumberFormat decLatin = NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat();
    assertEquals("1\u00A0003,14", decLatin.format(1003.14));
    assertEquals("-1\u00A0003,14", decLatin.format(-1003.14));
    assertEquals("3,14", decLatin.format(3.14));
    NumberFormat unforced = NumberFormat.getDecimalFormat();
    assertEquals("3,14", unforced.format(3.14));

So what's the expected behavior here? Should setForcedLatinDigits always 
force latin decimal separator?
And if yes, why this complex logic to remapSeparator is used instead of 
simply returning '.' as decimal separator?

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