Hi all...

So I've got an app that's recording audio on the client side, and then 
sending it in chunks to the server.

Currently, I'm using a flash component (from the wami-recorder project), 
and that flash components is sending each chunk of audio data to a servlet.

This works fine, but I want to have the GWT app handle the send so that it 
can both manage the upload AND keep a buffer locally of audio data for 
playback later.

Reading various similar questions about sending byte[] arrays to server (or 
receiving them back), all I see is suggestions to use XMLHttpRequests from 
a native method (calling to a servlet), or using some FileUpload 
functionality (tweaks required).  I don't see anything about using 
RequestFactory to do it.

We *could* use GWT-RPC to do it, I suppose.

Does anyone know the EASIEST, most GWT-native way of doing this, without 
too many bells and whistles?

- Tim

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