>I'm sorry for the spam we've had lately. I'm not happy with it but it seems
>to be targeted at the lists since I started archiving this list at
>mail-archive.com. I run two lists, one for GINA and one for AWE32 under
>Linux, and both were hit by the last bomb.


I'm the person who runs mail-archive.com. I was looking through some
of the archived lists and read about your spam problem on gina-users.
For the past few months spam has been a nightmare for me, as I watch
spammers slowly pollute excellent technical mailing lists and
obliterate the value of the service I've worked hard to provide.

I've taken every preventative step I can think of, including removing
email addresses from the archives, and blocking spam harvesting robots
at the web server level. It appears that the battle has reached an
equalibrium, with only a small trickle of spammers getting through.
Unfortuntely, it doesn't take many incidents to cause a lot of grief,
and open mailing lists are very vulnerable to spamming.

So, to make a long story short, I'm sorry. I can confirm that some of
the spam you got did in fact originate with spammers rooting through
mail-archive.com. I deeply regret the incidents and wish I could
retaliate against those bastards.

I'm doing everything in my power to prevent spammers, and please
let me know if you have any suggestions. I'm hoping that eventually
the spammers will stop or be thwarted, but I really don't know. Spam
is annoying to everyone, and if it grows, will be fatal to my

Jeff Breidenbach

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