>Any chance of duplicating the "Earlier Messages" at the bottom?

Yes, that sounds completely reasonable. I'll do it, probably in the
next few days.

On a related topic, one thing I would like to do is to have a layout
that looks like this:

           [Later Messges]
           [Earlier Messages]

rather than this:

           [Earlier Messages][Later Messges]

The index pages themselves sort later messages towards the top of the
page and earlier messages are towards the bottom of the page. Thus, I
think having the navigational controls use a similar layout would be
more intuitive. 

Unfortunately, I can't for the life of me get a reasonable layout
rendered using HTML no matter how I tweak the tables and style sheets.
If someone can sends me an HTML snippet (big enough to include the
"thread index" bit), which renders well, I'll happily incorporate it.


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