Here's a bunch of news, no particular order.



* The recent programming changes dramatically improved archiving
  performance, meaning messages are now processed within hours rather
  than days. The backlog is about 2,000 messages right now, down from
  about 60,000 messages last week.  Enjoy it while it lasts. :)

* Web access to mail-archive will be down for a day in about two
  weeks. My hosting provider is changing physical location. Incoming
  mail will be queued at a secondary MX during the downtime. This
  will blow a 260+ day uptime.

* During the outage, system memory (RAM) will be doubled to 1GB. This
  will be used for disk caching which should help performance.

* Speaking of disk, usage has risen from 38% (Feb.) to 79% (today)
  I may look into trimming some obvious fat.

* We're transmitting about 2GB a day over HTTP, probably half or
  more of that to internet search engines. Over a recent two week 
  period, about 200,000 IP addresses requested 2.6 million pages.

* I'd like to hold off increasing disk storage until
  a) ReiserFS makes it into a stable linux kernel
  b) big cheap IDE RAID-5 arrays become widely available

* I intend to brood over the virus-as-attachment issue for a few
  weeks, thanks for all the great feedback thus far.

* I've personally been getting hit with more spam recently,
  and suspect mail-archive is growing into a bigger target for
  spambots. Hopefully the anti-harvesting measures are holding.

* As the service grows -- and as archive pages start showing up highly
  in internet search engines -- I'm slowly getting more non-fun
  email. [private, not stuff sent over gossip] Complaints, 
  very misdirected questions, ugly demands, the ocasional threat.

  There are a lot of very rewarding aspects of running an email
  archiving service that continues to grow bigger. I guess there
  are some thorns as well. Fortunately, things are still managable.

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