Dear Freesurfer expert,

I am a new user of Freesurfer and have some questions about the install Freesurfer

I install freesurfer in mandrake 8.2 and use geForce2Mx/400 card

1. I just change the CSURF_DIR like: /home/jlh/freesurfer_alpha in FreeSurferDefs.csh, is it enough ? Or I should change another directiory ?

2. Where to install the MINC and how to install ?

3. When I use the tksurface or tkmedit, the dialog box can not display appropriately. If I drag it, the back trace is became dark. It seem the tksurface and tkmedit can not work appropriately. Is there any method to correct it ?

Sincerely Yours truly,

Dr. Jung Lung Hsu

Department of Neurology

SK memorial hospital

Taipei, Taiwan

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