On June 22, 2002 at 19:01, Jeff Breidenbach wrote:

> > Should there be message expiration [?]
> Yeah, I think we've hit the runaway success point where it is
> helpful. I think I am going to limit maximum archive size to a 
> few thousand messages after the new hardware is in place and there 
> is some breathing room.

Have you thought of trying something like faqs.org did (i think it
was them)?  I.e. Put a link on the main page and index pages like
"mail-archive needs help" that links to a page providing the current
situation with mail-archive and help is required for the service
to stay the way it is.

As for technical solutions:

* Archives that have not received a new message over a certain period
  of time could be targeted for deletion.  I am sure there are archives
  that are no longer used, so they could be removed.  The key is to
  determine what is the proper period.

* Related to the previous one is to delete archives that have not
  been accessed over a certain period of time.  Let usage determine what
  should and should not stay.  Robot hits should be excluded.  Some
  heuristics may need to be employed since some robots do not play
  nice (like address harvesters).

* Remove archives that are just duplicates of a lists "official"
  archives (this would actually affect me :-)  For example,
  I see that that are several cygwin.com lists archived at
  mail-archive.com, but cygwin.com keeps there own set of archives
  at <http://cygwin.com/lists.html>.

> That's fundamentally the issue. I'm at the very edge of what I can
> provide as a hobbyist considering the next generation hardware
> that makes sense stores 1 to 2 TB (at roughly $6K/TB) and I still have
> no good place to put such a machine on the net.

What is the space limitation of your current hosting provider?


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