Good Morning,
I would like to constitue requests with the clauses ORDER BY and GROUP BY.

1st request:
  SELECT sum("table1"."valeur") , "table1"."colonne1"
    FROM "table1"  
GROUP BY "table1"."colonne1" ;  

2nd request:
 SELECT DISTINCT ("table1"."code"),  "table1"."numeroordre"  
    FROM "table1" 
ORDER BY "table1"."numeroordre" ASC;  

How to implement these orders SQL under Castor version- ?. 
Thank you

>       Fabienne Guilbaut
>       DGTI 
>       CETE Normandie Centre
>       *  02 35 68 81 00 poste 83 58
>       Fax    02 35 68 82 97
                 *   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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