1. Yes, we override list name on import.

OK, so they are threaded and paginated independently of what's in the "To:" line.

2. Search will have no concept of alternative list names. There is no
reasonable way to overcome this.

Hmm, I don't understand this, given your answer to (1) above. If the primary list name is tang...@mit.edu, then by your convention, it seems that going to www.mail-archive.com/tango-l@mit.edu/ would bring up the "home page" for that list archive. There is no way to restrict a search just to "pages under this page"? I.e., that the only way to get a particular list is to match explicitly the contents of the "To:" field for that list?

3. Why not use the tool that Earl mentioned?

Because it seems with nmh I would have to do it manually on a digest by digest basis. So with hundreds of digests and thousands of created individual files which I would then need to remerge, I really need a script that processes an mbox of hundreds of Digests in one fell swoop, creating a slightly smaller compliant mbox of all the individual emails, which is the script that I have just finished writing. Besides, if I have to do additional processing, e.g., to replace old To: lines with the new list name to avoid the search problem, I need a script anyway (albeit a simpler one). (I'll make this script available once I'm done, so it will have been completely debugged and well tested, since it may be useful to others in the future.)

4. We always merge into the new list name and set up an HTTP redirect so
that the old URLs are not broken. Merges are done via a manual request
to support staff.

OK, that's clear. But then it would have the same search issue, would it not? I.e., that while the merged list would appear as one in the summary and threads pages, a searcher would have to search for one or the other (or use an OR operator in the search, which seems like another way to overcome this, i.e., create a search with a hidden field containing the OR of all variants).


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