Perhaps Definitions_Part2-2017-04-19-bb.docx is actually current.

Ugh... dropbox sort by Modified doesn't work as expected. It would be more 
convenient for me if we used Dropbox's built-in version control rather than 
having separate filenames for each revision. But I gather that's not convenient 
for folks that sync with their local filesystem and want to see all the 
versions. Oh well.

Meanwhile... is there an edited change log? I could perhaps use MS Word to 
figure out what has changed, but I'm used to version control change messages 
that explain why things changed.


From: Dan Connolly
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 2:53 PM
To: Bernard Black
Cc: Mei Liu;;;; Al'ona Furmanchuk
Subject: Overview of Data Requested - Next-D meeting prep

Dr. Black,

In the NEXT-D In-Person Meeting draft agenda, I see:

     *   Overview of Data Requested (Bernie Black)

Are there any materials to study in advance? In dropbox, I see:

Definitions_Part1-2017-01-06-bb.docx (which bears 1/5/2017 at the top)

Are those the materials you plan to discuss?

At a high level, have things changed substantively since Dec 20? The overview 
Alona and I gave in the Dec 20 gpc-dev 
meeting<> was:

     *   DC and AF give an overview of NEXT-D_Request for 
 (attached to 
#545<>): there are 
two phases of data collection:

        *   Cohort definition

           *   diabetes population

           *   denominator or study population

              *   Denominator population is large: everyone with two visits

        *   Follow-up observations twice per year

           *   Clinical Variables in the EMR
Details evolving in 

Supplemental Demographic Variables Returned in Geocoded Data (defined with MPC)
note #544<> below
Then at the detail level: do those documents agree with 
 version 3050656 
  of Apr 6?


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