Just to share with the GPC-dev group notes from the PCORnet Data WG meeting on 
July 17.

Discussion on data quality checks on labs

  *   Problem: lab completeness check requires >80% of labs reported with 
normal ranges, which many sites feel uncomfortable in assigning one if it does 
not come automatically from the EMR.
  *   Proposed easy solution: simplify the check by reporting whether a lab is 
a clinical vs statistical outlier (defined based on PCORnet population).
  *   Long-term fix (CDM 6.0): introduce a new CDM table to be called 
“reference range history” that would contain following elements for each lab:
     *   Lab (LOINC)
     *   Gender
     *   Age (go/from)
     *   Race
     *   Normal range
     *   Units
     *   Effective dates
When reporting normal ranges of labs, indicate whether it is derived from the 
EMR or the reference range table.

Note that the long-term fix of adding a reference range history table will 
require extra work from the sites. The timeline for the work is not confirmed 
yet, but sites can start working on it.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss during the gpc-dev call.



From: Gpc-dev <gpc-dev-boun...@listserv.kumc.edu> On Behalf Of Dan Connolly
Sent: Monday, July 20, 2020 8:55 AM
To: gpc-dev@listserv.kumc.edu
Subject: gpc-dev 21 July agenda and meeting notes

What else for tomorrow?

UTHSCSA is scheduled to scribe

  1.  Convene, take roll, review records and plan the next meeting(s).

     *   11:00 a.m. Central Time.
​Meeting ID and access code: 
817-393-381<https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/817393381>; call +1 
(571) 317-3131
     *   Roll; Reminder - put site after your name in 
GoToMeeting<https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/817393381> preferences
GPC DevTeams<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/wiki/DevTeams> 
represented? KUMC (chair), UIOWA, MCW, MCRI, UNMC, UTHSCSA (scribe), UTSW, MU, 
IndianaU, Utah, Allina, Intermountain, UTH
     *   Comments on the agenda? (ref 
 On last week’s 
Recent tickets 
opened/closed<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/timeline> - FYI 
(i.e. not intended for discussion)

        *   None this week

     *   Next meeting(s): Jul 28; scribe: UTSW?, IU?

        *   Note scribe 
        *   #759<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/759> 
covid19 PCORNet 
datamarts<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/759> 28 May 
“pause additional ETL development” until PCORI completes its review… Russ 
standing by for more info
        *   Dan/KUMC to get more info about volume / quality issues where the 
line was divided (not immediately)
        *   Marshfield will submit Bardet-Biedl Syndrome request through DROC

  1.  PCORnet CDM refresh with 
PPRL<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/wiki/PPRL> - due July 27

     *   C4UI r024 
Approved<http://listserv.kumc.edu/pipermail/gpc-dev/2020q3/011015.html> gold 

 aiming for Jul 10

     *   #749<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/749> 
PCORNet style TUMOR 

        *   Brian to update gpc-dev w.r.t. DROC request

     *   #739<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/739> HERON 
NAACCR ETL outdated by 

        *   DC to look into patient_mapping using item 2300 MRN

  1.  1228 covid query due July 21
PR: what’s expected, given May 28 “pause additional ETL development”?
Steph to ask DRNOC to clarify.
DC to confirm Russ is attending today’s PCORnet steering committee meeting and 
suggest that he seek clarification. Done: 1228 covid query due July 21? 
<http://listserv.kumc.edu/pipermail/gpc-dev/2020q3/011014.html>   Block, Jason 

wash your hands 


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