What else for tomorrow? It looks like another short meeting, as of now.

Utah is scheduled to scribe.

agenda snapshot:

  1.  Convene, take roll, review records and plan the next meeting(s).

     *   11:00 a.m. Central Time.
​Meeting ID and access code: 
817-393-381<https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/817393381>; call +1 
(571) 317-3131

     *   Roll; Reminder - put site after your name in 
GoToMeeting<https://global.gotomeeting.com/meeting/join/817393381> preferences
GPC DevTeams<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/wiki/DevTeams> 
represented? KUMC (chair), UIOWA, MCW, MCRI, UNMC, UTHSCSA, UTSW, MU, IndianaU, 
Utah (scribe), Allina, Intermountain, UTHouston

     *   Comments on the agenda? (ref 
 On last week’s notes? 
Recent tickets 
opened/closed<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/timeline> - FYI 
(i.e. not intended for discussion)

        *   None this week

     *   Next meeting(s): Nov 24; scribe: MU? Intermountain?

        *   Note scribe 

  2.  Performance Report - clarifications about what counts as approved, e.g. 
in case of resubmissions.

     *   S. Roush @ MCRI to provide response from DRNOC

        *   S. Roush followed up again, no response yet

     *   Annette Wolfe / Nebraska: re metrics… I’m looking into a broader 
question of the metric calculation

  3.  Jan refresh 

     *   MCW is beta testing; Full DCQ beta test available?

     *   KUMC is also looking into becoming a beta site

  4.  #411<https://informatics.gpcnetwork.org/trac/Project/ticket/411> ACT 
SHRINE Ontology alignment

     *   Ontology work group update since Apr 28? (same as Data Harmonization 

     *   Experience report from MCW, Intermountain, others on UNMC update from 
just before Oct 5?

wash your hands 
…<https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/prevention.html> wear a 
mask and social distance


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