Hi all,

It's Tuesday morning and that means question time :)

So from 
 I've extracted the following:

How to use an alias
To use an alias address for CES, you need to provide a static IP address that 
is not already defined as an alias in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 
Before you enable the node as a CES node, configure the network adapters for 
each subnet that are represented in the CES address pool:

  1.  Define a static IP address for the device:
2.  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
3.  DEVICE=eth1
4.  BOOTPROTO=none
7.  ONBOOT=yes

  1.  Ensure that there are no aliases that are defined in the network-scripts 
directory for this interface:
10.# ls -l /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1:*
ls: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1:*: No such file or directory
After the node is enabled as a CES node, no further action is required. CES 
addresses are added as aliases to the already configured adapters.
Now, does this mean for every floating (CES) IP address I need a separate 
ifcfg-ethX on each node? At the moment I simply have an ifcfg-X file 
representing each physical network adapter, and then the CES IPs defined. I can 
see IP addresses being added during failover to the primary interface, but now 
I've read I potentially need to create a separate file. What's the right way to 
move forward? If I need separate files, I presume the listed IP is a CES IP 
(not system) and does it also matter what X is in ifcfg-ethX?

Many thanks
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