I am investigating setting up Quality of Service parameters on an Infiniband 
The specific goal is to reduce the bandwidth which certain servers can use,
ie if there are untested or development codes running on these servers in our 
cluster then they cannot
adversely affect production users.
I hope I do not show too much of my ignorance here.

Perhaps out of date, but I find that Lustre does have a facility for setting 
the port range and hence associating with an ULP in Infiniband
(There. I said the L word. Is a quick soaping to the mouth needed?)

Can anyone comment what the Infiniband Service ID for GPFS traffic is please?
If the answer is blindingly obvious and is displayed by a Bat signal in the 
clouds above every datacenter containing
GPFS then I am suitably apologetic. If it is buried in a footnote in a Redbook 
then a bit less apologetic.

If you are familiar with Appendix A of the IBTA Architecture Release then it is 
truly a joy.

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