Did you try to run mmcheckquota on the device

I observed that in the most recent versions (for the last 3 years) there is a real long lag for GPFS to process the internal accounting. So there is a slippage effects that skews quota operations. mmcheckquota is supposed to reset and zero all those cumulative deltas effective immediately.


Quoting "Emmanuel Barajas Gonzalez" <vanfa...@mx1.ibm.com>:

Hello spectrum scale team!   I'm working on the implementation of
quotas per fileset and I followed the basic instructions described in
the documentation. Currently the gpfs device has per-fileset quotas
and there is one fileset with a block soft and a hard limit set.  My
problem is that I'm being able to write more and more files beyond
the quota (the grace period has expired as well).   How can I make
sure quotas will be enforced and that no user will be able to consume
more space than specified?   mmrepquota smfslv0
                         Block Limits
Name       fileset    type             KB      quota      limit
in_doubt    grace |
root       root       USR             512          0          0
   0     none |
root       cp1        USR           64128          0          0
   0     none |
system     root       GRP             512          0          0
   0     none |
system     cp1        GRP           64128          0          0
   0     none |
valid      root       GRP               0          0          0
   0     none |
root       root       FILESET         512          0          0
   0     none |
cp1        root       FILESET       64128       2048       2048
   0  expired |
Thanks in advance !   Best regards,
Emmanuel Barajas Gonzalez TRANSPARENT CLOUD TIERING FOR DS8000

52-33-3669-7000 x5547 E-mail: vanfa...@mx1.ibm.com[1] Follow me:
                                      2200 Camino A El Castillo
                        El Salto, JAL 45680

[1] mailto:vanfa...@mx1.ibm.com

Jaime Pinto
SciNet HPC Consortium - Compute/Calcul Canada
www.scinet.utoronto.ca - www.computecanada.ca
University of Toronto
661 University Ave. (MaRS), Suite 1140
Toronto, ON, M5G1M1
P: 416-978-2755
C: 416-505-1477

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