From: Keith Ball <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2017 16:13:13 -0500
Subject: Smallest block quota/limit and file quota/limit possible to set?
HI All,

We have a system where all users have their own private group as well.
However, for a given fileset (we are using --perfileset-quota), we would
like to ONLY allow users who also belong to just a few central groups to be
able to write to the fileset.

That is, user "userA" has its own "groupA", but we only want the user to be
able to write to the fileset if:
 - userA belongs to one of the groups (e.g. group1, group2, group3) that
have explicitly set quotas
 - The group(s) in question are within quota/limits.

In general, we do not want any users that do NOT belong to one of the three
groups with enabled quotas to be able to write anything at all to the

Is there a way to set a ZERO quota for block/file in GPFS, that means what
it actually should mean? i.e. "Your limit is 0 file = you cannot create
files in this fileset". Creating some kind of "supergroup" owner of the
fileset (with entitled users as members of the group) could work, but that
will only work for *one* group.

If we cannot set the block and file limits to zero, what *are* the smallest
block and fie limits? In GPFS 3.5, they seem to be 1760MB for block. Is
there a smallest quota for files? (blocksize is 16MB, which will be reduced
to 4MB probably, in a subsequent cluster).

Many Thanks,

Keith D. Ball, PhD
RedLine Performance Solutions, LLC
email: <>
cell: 540-557-7851 <(540)%20557-7851>
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