Looking at the mmfind.README it indicates that it only supports the format 
you used with the semi-colon.  Did you capture any output of the problem?

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From:   John Hearns <john.hea...@asml.com>
To:     gpfsug main discussion list <gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org>
Date:   02/21/2018 06:45 PM
Subject:        [gpfsug-discuss] mmfind will not exec
Sent by:        gpfsug-discuss-boun...@spectrumscale.org

I would dearly like to use mmfind in a project I am working on  (version at the moment)
mmfind /hpc/bscratch  -type f                  work fine
mmfind /hpc/bscratch  -type f -exec /bin/ls {}\ ;      crashes and burns
I know there are supposed to be problems with exec and mmfind, and this is 
sample software shipped without warranty etc.
But why let me waste hours on this when it won’t work?
There is even an example in the README for mmfind 
./mmfind /encFS -type f -exec /bin/readMyFile {} \;
But in the help for mmfind:
-exec COMMANDs are terminated by a standalone ';' or by the string '{} +’
So which is it? The normal find version {} \;    or         {} +
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