What is your unmountOnDiskFail configuration setting on the cluster? You 
need to set unmountOnDiskFail to meta if you only have metadata 

Steve Y. Xiao

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 20:05:53 +0000
> From: "Simon Thompson (IT Research Support)" <s.j.thomp...@bham.ac.uk>
> To: "gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org"
>    <gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org>
> Subject: [gpfsug-discuss] Replicated and non replicated data
> Message-ID: <98f781f7-7063-4293-a5bc-1e8f5a0c9...@bham.ac.uk>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> I have a question about file-systems with replicated an non replicated 
> We have a file-system where metadata is set to copies=2 and data 
> copies=2, we then use a placement policy to selectively replicate 
> some data only once based on file-set. We also place the non-
> replicated data into a specific pool (6tnlsas) to ensure we know 
> where it is placed.
> My understanding was that in doing this, if we took the disks with 
> the non replicated data offline, we?d still have the FS available 
> for users as the metadata is replicated. Sure accessing a non-
> replicated data file would give an IO error, but the rest of the FS 
> should be up.
> We had a situation today where we wanted to take stg01 offline 
> today, so tried using mmchdisk stop -d ?. Once we got to about disk 
> stg01-01_12_12, GPFS would refuse to stop any more disks and 
> complain about too many disks, similarly if we shutdown the NSD 
> servers hosting the disks, the filesystem would have an SGPanic and 
> force unmount.
> First, am I correct in thinking that a FS with non-replicated data, 
> but replicated metadata should still be accessible (not the non-
> replicated data) when the LUNS hosting it are down?
> If so, any suggestions why my FS is panic-ing when we take down the 
> one set of disks?
> I thought at first we had some non-replicated metadata, tried a 
> mmrestripefs -R ?metadata-only to force it to ensure 2 replicas, but
> this didn?t help.
> Running on the NSD server nodes.
> (First time we went round this we didn?t have a FS descriptor disk, 
> but you can see below that we added this)
> Thanks
> Simon
> [root@nsd01 ~]# mmlsdisk castles -L
> disk         driver   sector     failure holds    holds storage
> name         type       size       group metadata data  status 
> availability disk id pool         remarks
> ------------ -------- ------ ----------- -------- ----- 
> ------------- ------------ ------- ------------ ---------
> CASTLES_GPFS_DESCONLY01 nsd         512         310 no       no 
> ready         up                 1 system        desc
> stg01-01_3_3 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down               4 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_4_4 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down               5 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_5_5 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down               6 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_6_6 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down               7 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_7_7 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down               8 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_8_8 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down               9 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_9_9 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              10 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_10_10 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              11 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_11_11 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              12 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_12_12 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              13 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_13_13 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              14 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_14_14 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              15 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_15_15 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              16 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_16_16 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              17 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_17_17 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              18 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_18_18 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              19 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_19_19 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              20 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_20_20 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              21 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_21_21 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> down              22 6tnlsas
> stg01-01_ssd_54_54 nsd        4096         210 yes      no    ready 
> down              23 system
> stg01-01_ssd_56_56 nsd        4096         210 yes      no    ready 
> down              24 system
> stg02-01_0_0 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                25 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_1_1 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                26 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_2_2 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                27 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_3_3 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                28 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_4_4 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                29 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_5_5 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                30 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_6_6 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                31 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_7_7 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                32 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_8_8 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                33 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_9_9 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                34 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_10_10 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                35 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_11_11 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                36 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_12_12 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                37 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_13_13 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                38 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_14_14 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                39 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_15_15 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                40 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_16_16 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                41 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_17_17 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                42 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_18_18 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                43 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_19_19 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                44 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_20_20 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                45 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_21_21 nsd        4096         110 no       yes   ready 
> up                46 6tnlsas
> stg02-01_ssd_22_22 nsd        4096         110 yes      no    ready 
> up                47 system        desc
> stg02-01_ssd_23_23 nsd        4096         110 yes      no    ready 
> up                48 system
> stg02-01_ssd_24_24 nsd        4096         110 yes      no    ready 
> up                49 system
> stg02-01_ssd_25_25 nsd        4096         110 yes      no    ready 
> up                50 system
> stg01-01_22_22 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                51 6tnlsasnonrepl  desc
> stg01-01_23_23 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                52 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_24_24 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                53 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_25_25 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                54 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_26_26 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                55 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_27_27 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                56 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_31_31 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                58 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_32_32 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                59 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_33_33 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                60 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_34_34 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                61 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_35_35 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                62 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_36_36 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                63 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_37_37 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                64 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_38_38 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                65 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_39_39 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                66 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_40_40 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                67 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_41_41 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                68 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_42_42 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                69 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_43_43 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                70 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_44_44 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                71 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_45_45 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                72 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_46_46 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                73 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_47_47 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                74 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_48_48 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                75 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_49_49 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                76 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_50_50 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                77 6tnlsasnonrepl
> stg01-01_51_51 nsd        4096         210 no       yes   ready 
> up                78 6tnlsasnonrepl
> Number of quorum disks: 3
> Read quorum value:      2
> Write quorum value:     2
> -------------- next part --------------
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