Hello, World, 
I'd asked this on dW last week but got no reactions: 

I am unsure on the viability of this approach: 
In a given file system, there are two internal storage pools and one 
external (GHI/HPSS). 
Certain files are created in one internal pool and are to be migrated to 
the other internal pool about one day after file closure. 
In addition, all files are to be (pre-)migrated to the external pool 
within one hour after closure. 
Hence: typically, blocks of a file being already pre-migrated to external 
(but not purged on the initial internal pool) are to be moved from one 
internal pool to the other. 
A slight indication that there might be some issue with such an approach 
I've found in a dW post some years back: 

However, time has passed and this might work now or might not. Is there 
some knowledge about that in the community? 
If it would not be a reasonable way, we would do the internal migration 
before the external one, but that imposes a timely dependance we'd not 
have otherwise.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards

Dr. Uwe Falke
IT Specialist
High Performance Computing Services / Integrated Technology Services / 
Data Center Services
IBM Deutschland
Rathausstr. 7
09111 Chemnitz
Phone: +49 371 6978 2165
Mobile: +49 175 575 2877
E-Mail: uwefa...@de.ibm.com
IBM Deutschland Business & Technology Services GmbH / Geschäftsführung: 
Thomas Wolter, Sven Schooß
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Ehningen / Registergericht: Amtsgericht Stuttgart, 
HRB 17122 

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