Realistically I can't see why you'd want to risk invalidating the support 
contracts that you have in place. You'll also take on worrying about firmware 
etc etc that is normally taken care of!

You will need the caddies as well.

We've just done this exercise SFA12KXE and 6TB SAS drives and as well as 
doubling space we got significantly more performance (after mmrestripe, unless 
your network is the bottleneck).

We left 10 free slots for a potential SSD upgrade (in case of a large increase 
in inodes or small files).



Dr Robert Esnouf 

University Research Lecturer, 
Director of Research Computing BDI, 
Head of Research Computing Core WHG, 
NDM Research Computing Strategy Officer 

Main office: 
Room 10/028, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, 
Old Road Campus, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7BN, UK 

Emails: / / 

Tel:   (+44)-1865-287783 (WHG); (+44)-1865-743689 (BDI)

-----Original Message-----
From: "Douglas Duckworth" <>
Date: 29/08/18 04:49
Subject: [gpfsug-discuss] More Drives For DDN 12KX

We have a 12KX which will be under support until 2020.  Users are currently 
happy with throughput but we need greater capacity as approaching 80%.   The 
enclosures are only half full.
Does DDN require adding disks through them or can we get more 6TB SAS through 
someone else?  We would want support contract for the new disks.  If possible I 
think this would be a good stopgap solution until 2020 when we can buy a new 
faster cluster.
Thank you for your feedback.

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