On Sat, 12 Jan 2019 03:07:29 +0000, "Buterbaugh, Kevin L" said:
> But from there I need to then be able to find out where that fileset is
> mounted in the directory tree so that I can see who the owner and group of 
> that
> directory are.

You're not able to leverage a local naming scheme? There's no connection between
the name of the fileset and where it is in the tree?  I would hope there is, 
otherwise when your tool says 'Fileset ag5eg19 is over quota', your poor user 
now be confused over what director(y/ies) need to be cleaned up.  If your tool
says 'Fileset foo_bar_baz is over quota' and the user knows that's mounted at
/gpfs/foo/bar/baz then it's actionable.

And if the user knows what the mapping is, your script can know it too....

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