This is the announcement for the Spectrum Scale Usergroup Singapore on Monday 
11th March 2019, Suntec Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore. 
This event is being held in conjunction with SCA19 https://sc-asia.org/
All current Singapore Spectrum Scale User Group event details can be found 
here: http://bit.ly/2FRur9d
We are calling for user case speakers please – let Ulf, Xiang or myself know if 
you are available to speak at this Usergroup.
Feel free to circulate this event link to all who may need it.
Please reserve your tickets now as tickets for places will close soon.
There are some great speakers and topics, for details please see the agenda on 
We are looking forwards to a great Usergroup in a fabulous venue.
Thanks again to NSCC and IBM for helping to arrange the venue and event booking.
Chris Schlipalius
IBM Champion 2019
Team Lead, Storage Infrastructure, Data & Visualisation, The Pawsey 
Supercomputing Centre (CSIRO)
1 Bryce Avenue
Kensington  WA  6151
Tel  +61 8 6436 8815  
Email  chris.schlipal...@pawsey.org.au
Web  www.pawsey.org.au <http://www.pawsey.org.au/>

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gpfsug-discuss at spectrumscale.org

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