On 08/11/2019 16:52, Skylar Thompson wrote:
> We don't run diskless systems, but use cgroups where possible to limit the
> damage users can do to a node. We derate the node's total usable memory by
> 2GB (OS) + GPFS pagepool to avoid paging whenever possible.

I would add that as the RAM in the node rises swap becomes pointless. We 
find that it's a bit pointless at 192GB of RAM in a node, for our large 
memory nodes which have 3TB of RAM, swap is utterly pointless. In fact 
there is more RAM than there is disk space. In either case the old rules 
about setting swap to be twice RAM or even swap equals RAM are either 
hard to achieve to impossible.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                         Tel: +44141-5483420
HPC System Administrator, ARCHIE-WeSt.
University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building, Glasgow. G4 0NG
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