This is basic functionality that is part of Spectrum Scale there is no additional licensing or HSM costs required for this.
Set Site C as your AFM Home, and have Site A and Site B both as Caches of Site C
you can then Write Data in to Site A - have it stream to Site C, and call it on demand or Prefetch from Site C to Site B as required
the Same is true of Site B, you can write Data into Site B, have it Stream to Site C, and call it on demand to site A
if you want the data to be Multi Writer then you will need to make sure you use Independent writer as the AFM type!/wiki/General%20Parallel%20File%20System%20(GPFS)/page/Active%20File%20Management%20(AFM)
Andrew Beattie
File and Object Storage Technical Specialist - A/NZ
IBM Systems - Storage
Phone: 614-2133-7927
----- Original message -----
From: "Andi Nør Christiansen" <>
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To: gpfsug main discussion list <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [gpfsug-discuss] Spectrum Scale mirrored filesets across sites.
Date: Wed, Dec 18, 2019 8:00 PM



We are currently building a 3 site spectrum scale solution where data is going to be generated at two different sites (Site A and Site B, Site C is for archiving/backup) and then archived on site three.

I have however not worked with AFM much so I was wondering if there is someone who knows how to configure AFM to have all data generated in a file-set automatically being copied to an offsite.

GPFS AFM is not an option because of latency between sites so NFS AFM is going to be tunneled between the site via WAN.


As of now we have tried to set up AFM but it only transfers data from home to cache when a prefetch is manually started or a file is being opened, we need all files from home to go to cache as soon as it is generated or at least after a little while.

It does not need to be synchronous it just need to be automatic. 


I’m not sure if attachments will be available in this thread but I have attached the concept of our design.


Basically the setup is :


Site A:

Owns “fileset A1” which needs to be replicated to Site B “fileset A2” the from Site B to Site C “fileset A3”.


Site B:

Owns “fileset B1” which needs to be replicated to Site C “fileset B2”.


Site C:

Holds all data from Site A and B “fileset A3 & B2”.


We do not need any sites to have failover functionality only a copy of the data from the two first sites.


If anyone knows how to accomplish this I would be glad to know how!


We have been looking into switching the home and cache site so that data is generated at the cache sites which will trigger GPFS to transfer the files to home as soon as possible but as I have little to no experience with AFM I don’t know what happens to the cache site over time, does the cache site empty itself after a while or does data stay there until manually deleted?


Thanks in advance!


Best Regards

Andi Nør Christiansen
IT Solution Specialist

Phone       +45 87 81 37 39
Mobile      +45 23 89 59 75

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