
Does it work to  merge “all” Spectrum Scale rpms of one version in one yum 
repo, can I merge rpms from different versions in the same repo, even different 
architectures? Yum repos for RedHat, Suse, Debian or application repos like 
EPEL all manage to keep many rpms and all different versions in a few repos. 
Spreading the few Spectrum Scale rpms for rhel across about 11 repos for each 
architecture  and version seems overly complicated – and makes it difficult to 
use RedHat Satellite to distribute the software ;-( 

Does anyone have experiences or opinions with this ‘single repo’ approach ? 
Does something break if we use it?

We run a few clusters  where up to now each runs its own yum server.  We want 
to consolidate with RedHat Satellite for os and scale provisioning/updates.
RedHat Satellite having just one repo for _all_ versions would fit much better. 
And may just separate repos for base (including protocols), object and hdfs 
(which we don’t use).

My wish:
The number of repos should no grow with the number of versions provided and 
adding a new version should not require to setup new yum repos.

I know you can workaround and script, but would be easier if I wouldn’t need to.


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