Am 28.04.20 um 13:38 schrieb Jonathan Buzzard:
Yuck, and double yuck. There are many things you can say about systemd
(and I have a choice few) but one of them is that it makes this sort of
hackery obsolete. At least that is one of it goals.

A systemd way to do it would be via one or more helper units. So lets
assume your GPFS file system is mounted on /gpfs, then create a file
called ismounted.txt on it and then create a unit called say that looks like

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sleep 10

Then the main unit gets

If you are using scripts in systemd you are almost certainly doing it
wrong :-)

Yes, that the right direction. But still not the way I'd like it to be. First, I don't really like the flag file stuff. Imagine the mess you'd create if multiple services would require flag files...

Second, I am looking for an all_local target. That one cannot be solved using this approach, right? (same for all_remote or all)


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