I was referring to this flash, https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6381354?myns=swgtiv&mynp=OCSSEQVQ&mync=E&cm_sp=swgtiv-_-OCSSEQVQ-_-E 
Spectrum Protect 8.1.11 client has the fix so this should not be an issue for Jonathan.  Probably best to open a help case against Spectrum Protect and begin the investigation there.

Fred Stock | Spectrum Scale Development Advocacy | 720-430-8821
----- Original message -----
From: "Grunenberg, Renar" <renar.grunenb...@huk-coburg.de>
Sent by: gpfsug-discuss-boun...@spectrumscale.org
To: "gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org" <gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [gpfsug-discuss] TSM errors restoring files with ACL's
Date: Fri, Mar 5, 2021 1:14 PM
Hallo All,
thge mentioned problem with protect was this:
Regards Renar

Renar Grunenberg
Abteilung Informatik - Betrieb

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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: gpfsug-discuss-boun...@spectrumscale.org <gpfsug-discuss-boun...@spectrumscale.org> Im Auftrag von Jonathan Buzzard
Gesendet: Freitag, 5. März 2021 14:08
An: gpfsug-discuss@spectrumscale.org
Betreff: Re: [gpfsug-discuss] TSM errors restoring files with ACL's

On 05/03/2021 12:15, Frederick Stock wrote:
> CAUTION: This email originated outside the University. Check before
> clicking links or attachments.
> Have you checked to see if Spectrum Protect (TSM) has addressed this
> problem.  There recently was an issue with Protect and how it used the
> GPFS API for ACLs.  If I recall Protect was not properly handling a
> return code.  I do not know if it is relevant to your problem but  it
> seemed worth mentioning.

As far as I am aware is the most recent version of the Spectrum
Protect/TSM client. There is nothing newer showing on the IBM FTP site


Checking on fix central also seems to show that is the latest
version, and the only fix over is a security update to do with
the client web user interface.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                         Tel: +44141-5483420
HPC System Administrator, ARCHIE-WeSt.
University of Strathclyde, John Anderson Building, Glasgow. G4 0NG
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