
I implemented a simple change in ObjectConverterImpl. It solves the problem I reported.

I added the following method:

   protected Object newInstance(String className) {
       return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(className);

Elsewhere in ObjectConverterImpl, it will now invoke


where previously the invocation had been


Now I can over-ride the newInstance in MyObjectConverterImpl (which subclasses ObjectConverterImpl). This allows me to construct objects for my model using its factory class.

I will submit an enhancement Jira tomorrow to get this change into ObjectConvertImpl.

        -- Dan

Dan Connelly wrote:


I do a on the root of my model objects. Then I want to fetch the object model back using some code like:

   RootClass root = (RootClass) pm.getObject("/test.root");

This fails because my model uses a factory class, not constructors, to instantiate model objects, including instances of the RootClass.

This pm is constructed using my custom MyObjectConverterImpl, which is a subclass of ObjectConverterImpl. I expected that this would give me a way to control object creation. It seems that I was wrong (unless I copy major portions of ObjectConverterImpl).

ObjectConverterImpl, if I delegate getObject to it, attempts to get a root object using this code:

Object root = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(classDescriptor.getClassName());

That causes the failure. ReflectionUtils is out of my control. ObjectConverterImpl does not invoke *this.newInstance* so that MyObjectConverterImpl can get control back for the construction in my objects (using my factory class).

What are the plans, if any, are there to accommodate object models which use a factory class for construction of its objects?

      -- Dan

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