Hi Andreas,

Graffito looks very promising to me, but I'm not sure how
well it will perform if used standalone. Much of your current
work seems to be directed towards support of portals, more
specifically the Jetspeed server, and towards JCR on the
persistence layer - FileSystemContentStore is, in essence,
empty. Also it looks to me that you support documents with
binary content only. The suggested Article/News module does
not seem to exist yet.

This is not difficult to build new services to manage specific content
like articles, news, ...  I have something for a news management but
I'm too busy to review it in details. We can work together on that.

Thus I'm not sure if my system would benefit from using
Graffito. Do you have any thoughts or insights on this?

Graffito fit to your needs (if you are agree to develop new components).
Again I can help. this is not an important work.

Are there any projects you know about which already use
standalone Graffito?

Yes, I'm using graffito on customer site. It is a Struts web
application running on Spring.it is a specific document management and
publication system for an important european institution.

Unfortunatly, you have to defined your own user interface if you want
to use Graffito in standalone mode. I'm very amazing by the GWT web
framework and I think it is should be nice to have some Graffito & JCR
UI components for this one.
Right now, it is difficult to support all existing web framework.

Also, does Graffito already support version 2.0 of Spring,
which was released just two days ago (don't blame me, my
collegues decided to switch ignoring my needs and without
applying any caution it seems :-/)?

No yet migrated :-(

Best regards,


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