
I'm trying to convert two columns of my pandas dataframe into network using
them as edge list.
A  similar query
was posted in StackOverflow but with different problem and it didn't help

When I am trying the following code it gives me error:
myGraph.add_edge_list(i for i in df[['node1','node2']].values.tolist())*

Where, my Graph is the graph;  df is the dataframe with 4 columns out of
which I am using two 'node1' and 'node2'.

*File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/graph_tool/__init__.py", line 2109, in
    libcore.add_edge_list_iter(self.__graph, edge_list, eprops)*

*TypeError: No registered converter was able to produce a C++ rvalue of type
unsigned long from this Python object of type str

I tried upgrading my boost library but it doesn't solve the problem. Any
suggestions ?

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