Am 25.07.2018 um 12:53 schrieb ashutosh:
> I figured out the answer to questions 1 to 3 but I am still having problem
> with plotting which I have mentioned in question 4.

If you're running out of memory when plotting a graph, this means that the
output would be completely useless, even if you had the required memory to
begin with.

A simple but effective approach to get useful information for very large
graphs is to use the 'subsample_edges' parameter when calling state.draw().
This takes the number of edges that will be randomly sampled when drawing.
Even a low number like 3000 gives usable results.

> But How to get the vertex property label/name in subsequent blocks similar
> to what I get from vprop ? 

   # this projects level 3 onto level 0 and returns the property map
   b = state.project_level(3, 0)


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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