Am 25.10.18 um 09:18 schrieb ashutosh:
> My question is, after the graph partition has been done to find modules,
> does the partition algorithm considers the information from all the layers
> to generate a universal partition or it partitions each layer separately ?

There are several partition algorithms, so you would need to be more
specific. Both multilayered versions (with edge layers and covariates) yield
a single partition for the whole network. The overlapping versions yield
partitions that can change across layers (as it labels the half-edges,
instead of the nodes). But you can also partition the layers individually by
treating them as separate graphs.

> Also, if the tool partitions the network by considering the information from
> all layers then what edge information it stores finally, given that every
> layer had different edge information initially ?

The clustering algorithm does not change the edges, it only labels the
nodes. It uses the information available in all layers to find the clusters.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
graph-tool mailing list

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