Am 05.08.19 um 15:09 schrieb Ruffle, James:
> 1) This presumably then needs to be saved as a hvprops(?!). But, I am unclear 
> how to do this, not least in a way that I know for sure that the correct 
> hierarchical vertices within l1state and l2state are aligning to the 
> generated centrality measures of x1 and x2, respectively.
> 2) Furthermore, if/when that is achieved, how can I call upon this in 
> drawing, for example to size the level 1 hierarchical vertices according to 
> centrality, or level 2 vertices by another measure, etc.?

If you call state.draw() (which calls draw_hierarchy()), it returns,
among other things, the hierarchy tree as a graph. The 'hvprops' should
be a dictionary with drawing attributes to that graph. It can contain
property maps, which do not need to be owned by the hierarchy tree but
need to have the same size.

To get the hang of it, you can call state.draw() once to obtain the
hierarchy tree, and then pass values to hvprops to see how that affects
the layout.


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>

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