Am 22.07.20 um 08:49 schrieb Snehal Shekatkar:
> Thanks Tiago. I have a related question: suppose self-loops and multi-edges 
> are not allowed. Now according to the documentation, graphs are generated 
> using "Efficient Markov Chain based on edge swaps". However, I could not find 
> the description of the algorithm in the documentation or the references 
> therein. I have gone through the Karrer-Newman paper as well as your paper 
> "Entropy of stochastic blockmodel ensembles", and both do not describe the 
> algorithm about any rewiring using Markov chains. Could you kindly point me 
> to the actual algorithm?

This is the usual edge-swapping algorithm that has been discovered and
re-discovered many times since the 50s. You can find a good description
in the recent paper:


Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>

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