Am 13.07.21 um 21:58 schrieb sebyakin.a:
My question is: which parts of a code I should modify to add internal property maps of custom type? Is it possible without ground-breaking modifications, or should I look a way for some workaround?

My usecase is to bridge python integer objects and big integer objects (from intx library) on c++ side, as a vertex property. I'm going to perform relatively heavy math operations and graph operations, so I want to write a C++ extension that does it. So I thought, is it possible to add custom property map handlers for big integers, that will convert python long objects to intx type and store it in that type later.

The simplest thing for you to do is to use Boost.Python to reflect your custom types to python, which then you can store in a property map of type "python::object". You can access the property map values from your C++ extension by using python::extract().

Tiago de Paula Peixoto <>
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