Hi Glynn,

No, I mean the "gcc ... -shared" command which actually links the
library. That's what is generating the errors.

well... sure, sorry :)
I attached it because it's very long, and I think it would make the e-mail text too dirty if inserted inline.

The problem is that lib/OGSF/Makefile doesn't actually specify that
-lavutil is required when building the OGSF DLL.

ok. gotcha.

Windows doesn't have a separate search path for DLLs, it just looks in
$PATH. For Cygwin/MinGW, the "lib" directories are only used for
import libraries; DLLs go in the "bin" directory as that will already
be in $PATH.

thanks. meanwhile I better googled for it, and I found as follows:

from: http://www.mingw.org/MinGWiki/index.php/sample%20DLL

The import library created by the "--out-implib" linker option is required iff (==if and only if) the DLL shall be interfaced from some C/C++ compiler other than the MinGW toolchain. The MinGW toolchain is perfectly happy to directly link against the created DLL.

*.pc are pkg-config files. On Linux, the "official" way to determine
the CFLAGS/LDFLAGS required to use a particular package is e.g.:

thanks again. You're my personal Wikipedia on software engineering... but a lot better than Wikipedia :)



Attachment: ogsf_error
Description: Binary data

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