On Aug 18, 2008, at 1:25 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 10:25:30 +0200
From: "G. Allegri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [GRASS-dev] some questions about future development
To: "GRASS developers list" <grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi to everyone.
In the last period I've been working a lot with GRASS for my daily job, and
it permitted me to develop a series of wishes for the future...
I will share them in the GRASS 7 ideas collection but I would like to ask
some questions before:


1 - OGR datasources: one important GIS functionality in daily work is the possibility to access shapefiles, and other simple feature datas (PostGIS,
Oracle Spatial, etc.) directly, without having to import them and/or
building the topology. Many times these datas are simply used for
visualization (geometries and attributes), or table attributes management...
I've seen it is already in the Radim's TODO list [1].
Is it a priority in GRASS 7 development, or it is left as a minor

2 - geometry highlighting: when selecting features from the attributes table (wxGUI), it would be nice to make the geometries highlighted in the map
window... See next section.

3 - vectors/thematic vectors: it happens only in GRASS that these two are separated. Wouldn't be better to merge into a single display command with
thmatic styiling as options?


the user experience with the maps should be enhanced:

1 - when zooming, incremental resolution would be nice (pyramids for
2 - when panning, only the new areas should be added (a sort of tiling) 3 - geometry selection (like with "identify" tools, or polygonal selection tools) ->view selected features inside the table attributes, and viceversa

I know it is quite distant from the actual display architecture, but it
would be an important improvement from my point of view...
Do you think it will be feasible considering the rodmap you've planned?

Ok, it's enough for now. I would have many other proposals, but I will share
them in the future :)

Just a note to the development team. Except for #1, these are all GUI/ interface issues. I haven't calculated the size of the wxPython code base, but when I checked about a year ago, the TclTk code took up over 18,000 lines of code. The many C modules are what makes GRASS 'work' and makes it a powerful spatial data management and analysis tool. But the GUI is the 'face' that most people see and work with on a daily basis. Glynn's rewrite of the display architecture will have an important effect on the way the GUI connects with modules. But there is still an awful lot of wxPython code to enhance, maintain, and still to write. So if any of you would like to try your hand at Python and wxPython, we'd welcome another volunteer or two to the GUI development team.

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