There has been some discussion over what the GRASS 7 imaging processing tools should include, given that a couple key modules (I think i.orthophoto and i.classify) need substantial rewriting.

We might want to think about including some or all of the GIPE tool kit. I've looked at this briefly and it seems like a useful set of modules to add to the rather slim set of tools specifically aimed at image processing (a lot of image processing can be done with the generic raster tools). See below for more information and links.


Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 15:08:22 +0800
From: "Yann Chemin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [GRASS-user] GRASS Image Processing Environment
To: "GRASS Developer Mailing List" <>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello lists,

The GRASS Image Processing Environment (GIPE) is a set of modules
dedicated to satellite image processing being developed (outside
initially, then) in the SVN Addons for a couple of years now. It
performs pre-processing and processing of some common tasks found in
satellite remote sensing (DN to reflectance, vegetation/water indices,
Albedo, emissivity, etc), and also some less common like
evapotranspiration or soil moisture calculations.

54 modules are there, so attached is a list of them with a one liner
description and grouped by skills.

GIPE has menu entries seemlessly integrated into tcltk and wxpython
upon installation.

With this email I would like to ask for any developer/users potential
interest to include some of the GIPE modules into the main GRASS GIS
SVN, if any of them could find some public use.

for devs: I have done code cleaning/standardization and parsing on all modules but three (r.evapo.PM,

thank you,

Yann Chemin
International Rice Research Institute

grass-dev mailing list

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